
March 26, 2008 at 6:02 pm | Posted in 20 Something Bloggers, Blogosphere, Just for fun | 18 Comments

Sleepy Jane tagged me and I heart her so this is for her!

 Ten Random Things About Moi’.

  • Before I go to bed I must drink a glass of water, flip my pillow, and straighten the sheets. I am fully aware that this is a compulsive behavior.
  • When I do sleep I must either a) be on my side with a “huggy” pillow or b) be flat on my back with my arms over my head. Strange, I know.
  • When I was little I was obsessed with The Sound of Music and I was convinced that the Von Trapp family came to live in the woods behind my house when they fled Austria and the Nazis. I would go looking for them on a weekly basis.
  • When I was seven my Mom had me try out for a talent show. When I was performing in the show the music to my song malfunctioned and they left me standing on a stage, in a spotlight, in front of thousands of people, for a good ten minutes while they fixed the sound system. I still to this day hate to be in front of an audience alone.
  • If I could choose one celebrity and only one to be with, it would be Christian Bale, always Christian Bale. Any other Newsies fans out there?
  • When I graduated High School I was given a full ride scholarship to the state school of my choice- which I turned down. Hmmm.
  • I love Starbucks, but I don’t drink coffee.
  • My dad wanted to name me Ramonda Lynn, but my Mom refused for fear that I would be called “Ramada Inn” by mean classmates.
  • I must take two showers a day. Again, obsessive compulsive I know.
  • One time my aunt tried to set me up with a guy from her church and he turned out to be my third cousin. Talk about weird!

Consider all of your lovely selves tagged!

OK, that is ten things about me that you probably could have lived without knowing, but I know that you are all just dying to know random stuff about me or else your day will not be complete. (Extreme sarcasm – of course!)


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  1. Cute, I love this idea! I’m also crazy compulsive about straightening the sheets before I sleep. The boy is a crazy sleeper, so when he comes to see me I take the sheets off of the bed and we just sleep under a comforter so the sheets won’t bug me. 🙂

  2. OMG NEWSIES!!! I LOVE that movie. I seriously used to watch it about every day. My heart belonged to Spot Conlon.

  3. I have to drink water before I go to sleep too!!! I don’t worry, I have my own bedtime routine!! I think we all do!! And whoever tells you otherwise is lying… LOL

  4. omg! OBSESSIVE Newsies fan here!!

    It’s not often that you stumble upon lovers of that movie, isn’t it THE BEST?!?

    jack kelley, *sigh*
    spot collins was always 2nd place if i couldn’t have jack but jack. oh jack.


    i also love that your mom vetoed the name due to “Ramada Inn” Smart lady!! hilarious!

  5. I love reading these as it always give a larger picture about the blogger. I’ve done one before, may have to do one again.

    Being slightly obsessive compulsive myself I get a lot of you “things”.

    Being called Ramada Inn could have wrecked your life. …;)

  6. I love doing these! Lol, and I love reading them. 😀 I used to have to get up in the middle of the night to drink water. Hehe.

  7. My favorite one yet! and yes i think we all have our bedtime foibles..friends Hellooo?!?!?!

  8. I take off one of my pillows and straighten my sheets before I get into bed too… 🙂

    Thanks for doing the tag! I love these things.

  9. i’m so with you on the starbucks thing. i like my double chocolate chip frap and my soy chai tea. but no coffee! 🙂

  10. Wow those are definitely some things that I wouldn’t know… my dad wanted to name me Britni but spelled Brit-knee. I’m thankful to this day that he didn’t. Ramada Inn doesn’t sound great either.

  11. I love these things! I’m the same with Starbucks- I hate coffee but I love going to Starbucks.

  12. Wow, I feel like I need to watch Newsies now! And I cracked up and the Ramada Inn thing–good thinking Tipp’s mom!!

  13. The Von Trapp one has got to be the funniest – that’s awesome.

    Also, thank GOD, your mom won out in naming you!

  14. Oh my Gosh, I love Newsies so much it is ridiculous!!!!! I knew you were a smart bunch and yes, my Mom is brilliant!

  15. HAHA, this made me laugh! I love the ones about the third cousin and Ramada Inn!

  16. UmmmmNewsies for ever! Marry me Jack Kelly! Ah! Now I want to go watch it. And sing!

  17. I think your obsessive compulsive behaviors are super cute. Keep ’em.

  18. I must admit that my obssession with Newsies boys is as follows:

    1. Jack Kelly
    2. David
    3. Spot Collins
    4. Crutchie, I heart him he was so cute!

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